Rider Anatomy Tabs (The difference between the two)

In the Fit Advisor section of the Rider dialog box, you will see two tabs labeled Rider Anatomy.

Rider Anatomy section

By clicking on the Rider anatomy tab highlighted in red in the figure above, we leave the Fit advisor section and move into a section in which we can enter detailed body measurements to directly control the stick figure representation of the rider.  BikeCAD does not use these dimensions to recommend appropriate frame geometry for a given rider.  However, the frame designer may use this stick figure model as a visual aid in designing a bicycle using their own judgement and expertise.

Meanwhile, the Rider anatomy tab grouped in with the rest of the tabs in the Recommended sizing section of the Fit advisor, shown below, leads to a set of non-editable fields.  These fields are non-editable because they are calculated approximations for the size of the rider based on formulas which can be modified as described at: bikecad.ca/customizing_fit_advisor_2_rider_anatomy.  If the Apply to BikeCAD model button is clicked when the Rider anatomy tab is chosen, BikeCAD will take the six body measurements entered in the Fit advisor section and calculate approximations for the more detailed body measurements listed in the Rider Anatomy section.  Again, these more detailed body measurements are not used by BikeCAD to recommend appropriate frame geometry.  In the context of the Fit advisor they are only there to give an approximate representation of a rider to accompany the bicycle which will be changing based on formula involving the six basic body measurements entered in the Fit advisor.

Rider Anatomy section