I started a file in Bike CAD 17.5, and am finishing the design in Bike CAD 18.
After adding the 2 x yoke option (Cobra Sidewinder v9), the Z and S dimensions in the chain stays auxiliary views appear offset from the actual chain stay ends.
On the main frame view the yokes appear disconnected from the BB shell unless I tweak the F dimension to -1mm.
When I add the same yoke setup to the default bike loaded upon staring Bike CAD 18, everything looks fine.
Might I have accidentally tweaked some setting to get these dimensions showing up out of place?
Would appreicate any help with fixing via the user interface or manually editing the .bcad file.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Could you send me the BCAD file for this design?
Thanks, Brent! I emailed you the file. I appreciate your help.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. The issue turned out to be related to the rear axle being shifted in the horizontal track dropouts. When the axle was not seated all the way into the dropouts, it was causing dimensions in the auxiliary view of the chainstays to be shifted out of place. I have corrected this in the next update.