So I am building afat bike with pargon drop out DR2095 and it is sweet that it is in the static drawings.. but its dosent seem to translate the dementions on the seat say and chain say views ??
side vew its all there.. what am i missing ?? I have fiddled and added width dementions but the 1 inch round drop out i am not sure how to adj.
also getting chainsay and seatstay miter distance?? how do i toggle that ??
The trouble with the auxiliary views of the stays is that the angle of the view depends on the angle of the seat stays and chain stays. In order to ensure a perfectly accurate view of the dropout in either of the auxiliary views, BikeCAD would need to slice through a 3D model of the dropout and generate the cross-sectional view on the fly. For a more detailed perspective, I would recommend exporting your model to FreeCAD and viewing it in the 3D environment there.
ok will experiment .. also with chain say miter lengths is there a way to do that or do i just use the horizontal measure tool??
Yes, within BikeCAD, you would need to create a user dimension It does not have to be horizontal. However, as you can see above, you can also see the full geometry of the miter in FreeCAD. If you select the dropouts in the Tree view in FreeCAD, selecting the space bar will hide whatever elements are selected.