I notice that many dimensions in the various tabs are "greyed out" and not available to insert into a drawing. Is this a limited access aspect of the free version or are there ways to make the greyed out dimenisions available.
In some cases, dimension check boxes are greyed out because they do not apply to the current model. For example, below the dimensions related to a curved down tube will remain greyed out until a curve is applied to the down tube.
Having said that, there are a lot of dimensions in the free version that are permanently greyed out. These dimensions are only available in BikeCAD Pro.
hi, is the top tube actual length not acvailable in the free version?
Correct. The free version would show you the effective top tube length. If you were modeling a bike with a horizontal top tube, in that circumstance the actual top tube length would equal the effective top tube length, so there's an exception. But otherwise, that's something you'd need BikeCAD Pro for. On that note, thanks for your recent purchase. I really appreciate everyone who contributes to my work!