I've used the free BikeCad many times in past years but not for the last year or so. Now I find it no longer works although I've followed all the advice given in this forum. My suggestion is to fix it and charge a nominal fee for a given period. John Robert
Tue, Nov 21, 2017
Free version of Bikecad does work!
Thanks for the suggestion. If you contact me by e-mail and let me know what OS and browser you are using, I can try to help get the free version running again for you. Rest assured it does still work. Having said that, I will concede that the hoops you must now jump through to run the free version are more involved than they used to be. This is beyond my control. Any Java applet will be similarly affected. BikeCAD Pro is not an applet, so does not suffer from this issue. Also, I only charge a one time fee for BikeCAD Pro. All future updates of the program are free of charge. In case you still cannot justify this investment, I am currently working on a replacement for the free version which does not require a plugin. This is a huge project, so I suspect I'll be responding to several more forum posts such as this before I have the new version up and running.
Thanks for the prompt reply. I'm using the latest version of Firefox with Windows 10. Also, the latest version of Java with your suggestions as to security. I must be missing something but I'm stumped! John Robert
When you say you are using the latest version of Firefox, I assume you are not using the 32 Bit ESR version. Currently, Firefox does not support the Java plugin, but the 32 Bit ESR version does.
Will it work in Chrome?
No, the free version will not run in Chrome or MS Edge. It will however run in Internet Explorer, Safari and the 32 Bit ESR version of Firefox.
I installed the 32 Bit ESR version and it works fine. Thanks, John Robert
Glad to hear it John!
I have 3 browsers installed, BiokeCAD workd in none of them. What a waste of time!
I'm guessing those three browsers are Chrome, Edge and the standard version of Firefox. Unfortunately, running the free version does require some reading. A foolproof replacement is in the works, but the current free version remains available for diehard users.
Hi all,
I'm using the IE Tab extension in Chrome with Java installed and the free version of Bike CAD works great.
You can find it here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ie-tab/hehijbfgiekmjfkfjpbkbammjbdenadd?hl=en
Thanks for sharing this. Great to know BikeCAD can once again run in Chrome with this handy extension.
Ignored exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: basic.bikeCADPro
What can I do with it?
Your comment seems to suggest we've been having an ongoing discussion about this. Unless I'm mistaken, this is the first time I've heard from you. My records indicate you successfully saved a number of BikeCAD models on the site over the past year. Perhaps you could email me with a little more background on what you've been trying to do and what you think might have changed in your setup since you last used the program.