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How to start BikeCAD free nowadays?

The site has been changed a bit since before summer - I cannot find a link for starting up BikeCAD any more?
What embarassingly obvious have I missed?

Starting BikeCAD

Don't worry. I don't think it is necessarily embarrassingly obvious. It is worth checking out the video tour of the new site at: http://www.bikecad.ca/welcome . However, the two methods of launching the free version of BikeCAD are summarized at: http://www.bikecad.ca/launching .


Unfortunatly, the new web site is waaaay to slow. I can't use it anymore: charging takes minutes and changing parameters is just impossible.
Until now I was using the old web site and it was nice.
Maybe because of the backscreen with the bike moving from left to right ?

I hope you will fix that asap.
Thank you

Animated background

Others were complaining about the animated background as well. On August 29th, I deactivated the animated background on all pages of the site. Today, I've reactivated it everywhere except on pages where the BikeCAD applet is used.

Please let me know if this causes any trouble.

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