Paul Smith SRCC

I have been cycling all my life, for the last 45 years I have been a member of the Surrey Road Cycling Club, riding a tour or two each year since then, the last few are listed on my personal website, although one day I will update some of my older tours! As well as being a life long cyclist I have for the last twenty seven years worked in the cycle trade, for specialist cycle retailers and wholesales.
I worked for ‘Pearson Cycles’ in Sutton for fifteen years as well as ‘BikePlus’ (part of Geoffrey Butler Cycles) where I worked for seven years, where I set up and relocated the CTC Mail order Shop that I was managing on a franchise basis from December 2001 to December 2004, for what was a three year contract with the CTC Organisation. I moved onto 'Corridori Cycle Sport' in 2007 until the summer of 2013 where I was also a qualified ‘Specialized Body Geometry Bike Fit’ bike fitter.
Since 2001 I had also been working closely with Jan-Willem Sintnicolaas (note he retired summer 2013), the owner and founder of Van Nicholas, the Titanium Bike Company specialising in the design of role-specific and tailor-made Titanium frames, and hand-built bikes and infact helped what was to become the Van Nicholas Yukon evolve. From 2013 to 2016 I worked for helping riders' chose the perfect bike set up for them, both interms of frame design and equipment choices, naturally I still used my 'Bike Fitting' skills using a combination of the Speacialized BG bike fit,, BikeCAD and 40 years experience! From July 2016 I am pleased to say I have gone back to my first love, the variety of cycle retail of working in a quality local bike store, at Redhill in Surrey, focusing on their new 'Pro' store and bike fitting and helping customer choose their perfect Van Nicholas and Trek bikes. I have written a review of BikeCAD Pro that maybe of interest Click for BikeCAD review
I have also written for, there are two Paul Smith's who write for them, I'm the one who has written about the 'Audax' bike type, I have replicated and updated many of the reviews on the left plus added some more like the Garmin Edge 810 gps review and Van Nicholas Yukon Review for example. Some of my touring tours have also been have also been published on touriste information sites in France
Should you want to contact me my email address is